At Reflections we take great pride in providing a quality and affordable gutter cleaning service, for both residential and commercial premises.
Our quality gutter cleaning service includes:
- Two different service options, with option one being a ‘dry clean’ service, and option two including a full water washout using a low pressure hose. See details of our service options below.
- With us, the gutter cleanout task is undertaken by hand, which enables us to more effectively access and remove all debris within the guttering, compared to using a gutter vacuum.
- Our ‘high care’ cleanout approach, enables our team to have close hand and eye contact to the task at hand, so we can easily spot any issues with your guttering.
- With us, it’s all about ‘our team’ doing the job, with the level of care and consideration required. We don’t just employ some piece of equipment to extract and remove the waste.
- We take great pride in delivering a quality, professional and affordable service, each and every time.
- We do both small and large gutter cleaning jobs; with us no job is too big or too small.
Gutter Cleaning Service | Residential & commercial buildings
Residential gutter cleaning service
With our standard commercial ladders we can easily access and clean your gutters. This enables us to provide an affordable, efficient, and quality gutter cleaning service.
Low-rise commercial buildings
With our commercial level ladders that can reach up to 11 metres high we can easily access and clean your gutters. For buildings that require more height, we can use cherry pickers and mobile elevated work platforms (MEWP).
Link to: House washing
High-rise commercial buildings
For buildings of greater height, where cherry pickers and work elevated platforms do not provide sufficient access, we can provide our full gutter cleaning service using rope access / abseiling of the building.
Gutter cleaning | our 2 service options
Dry Gutter Clean | No water wash through
With our ‘dry’ gutter cleaning service we will take the time and care to clear out your spouting, guttering and downpipes by hand. All removed debris, leaves and items in your gutters will be disposed of by our team, leaving your home and property clear of rubbish.
Standard on-site job completion time: 1.5 – 2 hours.
Wet Gutter Clean | Full water wash through
For those seeking a more thorough gutter cleaning service, we offer a full water wash of your gutters, downpipes, and exterior facings of your gutters. We first clear your guttering by hand and then proceed to do a full water washout using a soft bristled brush and a low-pressure water-fed pole. We also test and check that all downpipes are clear with water flowing well. Following the full water wash service, we also send an email with a brief summary report of our service and photos showing the cleared gutters. With this service, we remove green growth and moss that commonly occurs within guttering.
Standard on-site job completion time: 3 – 4 hours.
Gutter cleaning | Our pricings and services
- Residential ‘Dry Clean’ Service
- Single Level House
- 3-bed house: $159
- 4-bed house: $189
- Two Storey House
- 3-bed house: $219
- 4-bed house: $239
- Prices stated include GST
- Residential ‘Full Water Wash Through’ Service
- Single Level house
- 3-bed house: $239
- 4-bed house: $279
- Two Storey House
- 3-bed house: $319
- 4-bed house: $349
- Prices stated include GST
- Small Commercial Properties
- Single Level Premises
- Standard price: $250
- 4-bed house: $189
- Two Storey House
- 3-bed house: $219
- 4-bed house: $239
- Price stated exclude GST
Two service level options, dry clean out and wet clean out option. The choice is yours!
Full on-site clean up after each job, with all debris and rubbish removed.
Quality, affordable and professional service, taking great care of your property.
Experts at accessing multi-level premises, for both residential and commercial properties.
Client testimonials
Regions we cover | Gutter cleaning service
We are based in Christchurch, and we provide our affordable and professional gutter cleaning service to a large part of the Canterbury region. This includes Christchurch CBD, Kaiapoi, West Melton, Rolleston, Lincoln, Sumner, Banks Peninsula, Lyttleton and Tai Tapu.